To Answer the Question of the 5,Ws
Mental health advocates are calling for increased efforts to support black youth. With suicide rates rising faster among black teens than their white peers, experts worry current public health crises may place them at even higher risk. Given the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 and police violence on black communities, young people in these settings may be more exposed to trauma. In response, advocates are urging lawmakers to allocate funding for more mental health care in black communities and research to understand suicide risk among black youth. Other efforts are focused on normalizing conversations about mental health in black families and encouraging those who are struggling to seek treatment. Young black suicide attempt survivors, such as Victoria Waltz, are speaking out about their experience in an effort to help others. Everyone can benefit from therapy, she said.
– USA Today

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Stronger Than You Know
About Our Foundation
Mission Statement
The Mission of the Hope and Encouragement Foundation (HAE) Inc is to establish and nurture partnerships with mental health professionals, local and federal government agencies, and academic communities to offer holistic mental health awareness programs that cultivate, enhance, and sustain improved living conditions. HAE aims to improve the lives of youth, veterans, and adults therapeutically and culturally by introducing basic mental health counseling; identifying and treating high-risk victims of trauma to discourage violent incidents such as suicide and gun violence; while sustaining activities and efforts to deter substance abuse and disband domestic violence.
Connect troubled minds and hearts with a pathway to healing.
Primary focus toward adolescent teens to young adults, while serving Veterans and individuals experiencing Mental health Challenges including family members of Suicide victims.
Crafting news articles within all 7 operational regions
Contacting local newspapers, TV news and radio stations
The HAE Foundation Inc. is getting the word out, HAE is here to STAY!!!!!!!!
Services and Capabilities Offered
- Motivational speaking, youth mentorship and life coaching
- Community enriching seminars & workshops (virtual and in-person)
- Referrals for life and mental health counseling with a licensed, certified and skilled mental health professional
- Insurance assistance, aide and referrals to assist with counseling needs through a verified and legitimate Insurance provider
HAE Foundation Inc. Geographical Regions:
Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Virginia, District of Columbia, Maryland and Texas

Board of Directors
Anthony D. Britton
Founder, Chief Executive of Operations,
Director of Virginia Region Area of Operations
Jessica S. Britton
President of the Board of Directors,
Director of Massachusetts Region Area of Operations
Rosa E. Bellain
Member of the Board of Directors,
Director of Texas Region Area of Operations
Kermit Brown
Member of the Board of Directors,
Director of District of Columbia Region Area of Operations
Edward Stonework
Member of the Board of Directors,
Director of Maryland Region Area of Operations
Irene Rossen
Member of the Board of Directors,
Director of New Jersey Region Area of Operation
George Duncan
President of the Board of Directors,
Director of Michigan Region Area of Operation
Michael A. Lindsey
Senior Director of Outreach,
Director of New York Region Area of Operation
Chief Executive and Director of Financial Affairs, Grant writing, RFP Research and Budgeting
Strategic Vision
Providing New Beginnings, While Enabling Skills for a More Fruitful and Productive Life.
The HAE Foundation Inc. Constitution:
- All Boards serve strictly in the advisory capacity (per the Board approved ByLaws)
The HAE Foundation Inc. By Laws:
- Support other charitable efforts, i.e., homelessness, still born awareness, cancer awareness, poverty, feed the hungry
- Domestic violence, gun control and teen pregnancy
Make a Donation